Countries across the world have taken what has been described as “critical steps” toward their goal to agree on a global phasedown of HFCs. The parties to the Montreal Protocol meeting in Vienna have reached agreement on solutions to all the identified challenges, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported.
Energy management system supplier GridPoint announced that its submetering, monitoring, and intelligent building control technology, combined with cloud-based analytics software and services, has helped Chipotle restaurants reduce energy usage by more than 13 percent over a multi-year period.
Bob and Tim had just arrived at a service call, the first one for the day. The complaint was that the homeowner’s air conditioning had stopped sometime in the night and the residence was hot. After their initial checks, they suspected a low charge.
The traditional, and still dominant, uses of energy modeling are all associated with building design, such as HVAC system selection and sizing and code compliance. But energy modeling has impactful post-occupancy uses as well.
Election years often bring a flurry of legislative and regulatory activity. This first of a two-part series will describe some key changes in federal regulations that may make it harder, more costly, and less efficient for employers to run their organizations.
Chinese a/c manufacturer Midea has become the latest to target Europe, by taking an 80 percent stake in Italian firm Clivet. The current shareholders of Clivet, the Bellò family, will retain a 20 percent stake.
Renovating the building's large, ornate courtroom was a major challenge. The new HVAC system had to be inconspicuous and extremely quiet to avoid interfering with courtroom proceedings.
The equipment in this troubleshooting situation is a package unit heat pump and the customer’s complaint is that the unit is “blowing warm air.” When you respond to this service call, you confirm that the indoor temperature is near 90°F, and you also find that the customer has turned the equipment off while awaiting your arrival.
Through a the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant, Kansas City, Missouri-based QM Power recently commercialized a high-efficiency motor for commercial refrigerators that has the potential to transform the market.
Marketing takes time, money, and lots of preparation. One of the best ways to prepare yourself is to develop a solid marketing plan. A strong marketing plan will ensure you’re not only sticking to your schedule, but that you’re spending your marketing funds wisely and appropriately.