To establish the openings for return air grilles, you can use a frame made on the job from sheet metal. It forces the wall hangers to cut the return air openings as they install the sheetrock.
A building energy management system (BEMS) represents a significant investment, so it’s important to look beyond initial cost and specify one that is flexible, scalable, and backwards compatible in order to receive maximum value and return on investment over the long term.
A Gallup poll published earlier this year should be quite alarming to the business community: Most American workers either hate their jobs or don’t care one way or the other about them.
Perdue Farms announced that it has received Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) Platinum green building certification — the highest possible ranking — from the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) for the renovation of its corporate office building.
Bob and Tim have been tuning up a system with an orifice metering device for the correct evaporator charge, when Bob said, “There is another verse to tuning up a system, and it’s called subcooling.”
While Civita’s residents are still settling in, the 230-acre Mission Valley urban village is living up to its promise to become a model of sustainability and energy efficiency.
Several factors that have been developing over the last several years are poised to plunge employers into a new wave of disability claims. There are a number of proactive steps that employers can take to avoid problems.
Architect Eric Corey Freed specializes in green designs and makes extensive use of geothermal heating and cooling. That experience led the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA) to invite him to deliver the keynote at this year’s Technical Conference and Expo. Here is a Q&A with Freed.
Smaller businesses, schools, churches, and clinics throughout Ohio could potentially cut tens of millions of dollars a year off their energy bills using a new financial tool launched by the Council of Smaller Enterprises (COSE).
In this month’s troubleshooting situation, our customer has called to say that the roof-mounted gas pack on their 1,500-square-foot home isn’t keeping them cool. Their specific description of the problem is that they “can’t feel any air” coming from the supply registers.