According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), about three in four residential buildings have physical restrictions to going solar. However, things are changing, and in the last several years or so, “shared solar” has started to take root in many states across the country. What exactly is shared solar?
Bob and Tim were on their way to a residence outside of town where the homeowners’ complaint was excess humidity in the house. When they arrived, they met the housewife and she told them, “The plumbing fixtures often sweat, there is mold in some of the closets, and mold is beginning to form in the laundry room.”
There is a large body of publications regarding uses of cast iron. But very few of them are concerned with the use of cast iron in refrigeration equipment, and even less with the behavior of such materials at low temperatures.
Disability claims are always challenging for employers, but this is especially the case when pregnant workers suffer complications that leave them unable to perform their normal job duties.
The Monterey County Office of Education (MCOE), along with Chevron Energy Solutions, unveiled a new solar power and energy efficiency project that is expected to reduce MCOE’s overall energy demand by as much as 75 percent while yielding an expected savings of $2.2 million during the first 25 years of the project.
This troubleshooting problem brings you to a three-bedroom, ranch style home on a concrete slab, which, as most typically do in this area of the Southwest, employs a rooftop evaporative cooling system in the summer and an upflow forced-air gas furnace for heating in the winter. The customer says one of the bedrooms “just won’t get comfortable.”
Hospitals use a lot of energy to save lives. To find ways to cut the energy intensity of large hospitals as well as schools and retail buildings by half, DOE’s Commercial Buildings Program and its National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) are working together with ASHRAE and other members of the building industry.
If you’re the person responsible for sales and you haven’t sold a dime for days, you might be tempted to think negatively. You might become critical of yourself or others. This can do nothing to help you. It’s important that you remain logical and not emotional.
Florida A&M University (FAMU) has chosen Siemens to implement a $12.2 million performance contract that is expected to save the university approximately $1.2 million in equivalent guaranteed annual energy savings.
Bob and Tim have been sent on a call to a house with no cooling. The system has just been installed and the construction crew has been having problems with startup. The system has a capillary tube metering device and Bob and Tim begin looking at what may be wrong.