While many students associate the beginning of a school year with the end of summer, outside Texas temperatures suggest otherwise. To combat triple-digit August heat, school districts across the state recently tapped HTS Texas to supply energy-efficient, state-of-the-art cooling systems just in time for students’ arrival.
While synchronous drives do have many industrial applications, they are generally not accepted as the best option for HVAC equipment. Virtually no OEM uses or recommends synchronous drives due to cost, noise and vibration, structural design concerns, and reliable availability of replacement components.
Fire and smoke dampers are a proven and effective way to protect duct and air-transfer openings in walls, barriers, partitions, corridors, and shafts. This article includes the basic testing, installation, and maintenance requirements for life safety dampers.
What do Lehman Brothers, AIG, Merrill Lynch, Washington Mutual Savings, Arthur Andersen, Starbucks, and Toyota all have in common? All went gunning for business growth but instead ended up with self-inflicted wounds. Each of these companies pursued the wrong kind of growth for the wrong reasons.
Based on a study of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) project database, Yudelson Associates has released a new white paper, “Green Building Trends in Higher Education,” stating that sustainable management, design, and operations are rapidly growing practices at American universities.
Bob has been on a job at a convention center with a 100-ton water cooled condenser. The owners are anxious for Bob to get the a/c back on, but Bob said the tubes must be cleaned before the unit will run. He has called the shop and asked for a helper and a tube cleaning machine to help him get the unit running as fast as possible.
Energy recovery ventilation (ERV) systems exchange heat (often both sensible heat and water vapor) between the outgoing exhaust air and the ventilation air being brought in. Under appropriate conditions, this allows reducing the capacity of the HVAC system and saves energy.
For employers with operations in the 14 states that have legalized marijuana for medical purposes, it is a difficult task to juggle the need for a drug-free workplace environment and the rights of employees who have prescriptions to legally use marijuana. How does legalized use of marijuana impact drug testing policies?
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and 3M, the St. Paul, Minn.-based technology company, have embarked on research and development partnerships in three areas of clean energy innovation: thin-film solar cells, concentrating solar power, and biofuels.
Conventional wisdom would have you concentrate thermal imaging on windows and doors. However, windows and doors contribute very little to total air leakage in most dwellings. In fact, the most serious leaks occur at the top and bottom of the conditioned building envelope - in attics and basements.