There are times when the attempt to do something positive can result in something unexpected. The annual increase in the number of hard-start kits being added to air conditioners is a perfect example.
A good leak detector is a big investment and one of the more important tools a tech has on the truck. One thing that I have learned is that with leak detectors care, maintenance, and testing is a huge part of finding leaks the first time.
In this troubleshooting situation, the equipment is a gas pack that has been in service for 18 months. What is the underlying cause for the poor performance of this unit?
When threatened by a newcomer in the market and experiencing a moment of vulnerability, we have the choice to resist or compete. To complain about declining business or compete.
Anytime you can reverse the risk for a customer — that is, put it back on yourself — they at least know that they won’t have to be trapped into a bad decision.
Optimizing refrigerant charge has always been a key part of designing cooling systems and balancing their efficiency, reliability, performance, and cost. But recently, that balance has shifted, and refrigeration engineers are once again looking at refrigerant as a key piece of the puzzle.