HVACR contractors are constantly juggling the demands of the job. Taking care of scheduling, managing customer service, and still running a business is no easy feat. It’s easy to understand why there never seems to be enough time to devote to recruiting as well. But the crucial task of finding candidates needs to be a priority, or your bottom line will begin to suffer.
According to IBISWorld, HVAC franchise revenue is expected to rise at an annualized rate of 2.2 percent over the next five years, reaching $1.0 billion by 2023. In a billion dollar industry, streamlined business practices are essential, and will allow for better customer service, more efficient operations and time savings across the board.
In this troubleshooting situation, the customer has called to report a “no heat” problem. The equipment is a 5-ton, 230 VAC single-stage gas/electric package unit that employs an integrated furnace control and a constant torque blower motor.
The question is, “Why are more contractors and or builders not offering this value-add to their clientele?” A couple common responses we hear in the field are, “It’s too complicated,” or “Installing zoning leads to too many call backs.” Sound familiar? The truth is, thisusedto be the case.
Today, however, it is the intense attention that has been focused on sexual assault and sexual misconduct in the workplace that has brought anything related to sex, including lewd or sexually explicit comments, to the forefront of employer’s legal concerns.
Many homeowners aren’t aware of the danger that mold, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), particulates, allergens, and other biological contaminants pose inside their homes. Therefore, they don’t proactively search for a solution.
Bob and Tim are at a job where a customer has damaged a refrigerant line on a heat pump. When they arrive, the line is still blowing a slight amount of vapor from the split in the line.
I live and work in Florida where most of our fuel-burning appliances are 80 percent efficient with open combustion that utilizes air and oxygen from the space for combustion.
As a contractor, your reputation is an invaluable asset. What homeowners say about your HVAC business matters, and that’s especially true when it comes to what customers are saying on social media. Here are four reasons why you should develop a social media presence to support customer service.
Campus physical plants that have become internets of things — requiring cloud-based management, machine learning, and visualization tools — could serve as more than unseen controllers of the classroom environment. They could be the classroom.