Bob gets a call to go to an office building where its water-cooled chiller is not cooling the building. Bob finds that the suction pressure is a little low and the head pressure is about right but the unit is not cooling the water down to the 45°F design setting. Btu Buddy helps him in going step by step to solve the problem.
The changes to COBRA provide an employee with a subsidy from the government that covers 65 percent of the cost of COBRA health insurance coverage. The subsidy is a nice idea. But as always, the government decided to create a bunch of new administrative red tape for employers to deal with.
The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has announced a new initiative - the New York Energy $martSM Focus on Healthcare - to help health care facilities in identifying cost-effective investments in energy efficiency that will improve overall energy performance.
To find out readers’ opinions about where solar products stand in today’s market, a brief, informal online survey was conducted on The NEWS Website. Survey respondents in this case do feel solar is taking hold in the residential sector.
When you’re troubleshooting a refrigeration control system, keep in mind that no matter how complicated the schematic might look on paper, the control system is actually only trying to provide a few simple outcomes.
Before developing your advertising, you need to think about and develop a strategy. What is it that you want to accomplish? Just as you develop an overall marketing plan, you need to develop an advertising plan of attack. Once you formulate a winning strategy, you can employ it for years to produce effective advertising.
Scenario: Single stage residential
cooling equipment. Homeowner complains that humidity is too high at their
desired thermostat setting. Actions: You think this is too easy. Probably a system-related
problem (dirty filter, low charge, dirty condenser; the usual stuff). But you
also realize that it’s been a little cooler than most summers.
Trivia question: What was the first law that President Obama signed
into law after being elected? Answer: President Obama’s first act upon taking office
was to sign the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009. Although it hasn’t
received much fanfare, the ramifications of the Act are only now starting to be understood.
When building officials questioned whether HVAC fabric air dispersion could outperform metal ductwork/register systems in a new $17 million community center, consulting engineering firm Millcreek Engineering Co. used its own custom-designed proprietary modeling software to demonstrate its performance.