While seven of 10 American homes utilize forced air to heat and cool their homes, a rising portion of the industry believes radiant and hydronic heating and cooling provides a better path to prosperity. These self-proclaimed “wet heads” met in Providence, R.I., Sept. 11-12 for the inaugural Hydronics Roundtable.
Sizes 160 (13.3 tons), 192 (16 tons), 240 (20 tons) and 300 (25 tons) have been added to the Tranquility Compact Belt Drive (TC) Series. These sizes are only available in a vertical cabinet. Vertical unit configurations can be ordered with front or back return air and top, front, or back supply air discharge.
The Retrovent™ Replacement Program simplifies replacement of aging 20-ton and larger air handlers with energy-efficient, direct-match units, avoiding extensive renovation costs, the company said. The program makes it easy to upgrade IAQ while reducing operating costs and increasing occupant comfort.
In addition to the 2012 Commercial Heating Showcase Product Grid, The NEWS spotlights the industry’s latest commercial heating products in this photo feature. The manufacturers provided the brief description of features included with each product.
While nonresidential construction spending has increased somewhat over the last year, current indicators show that this market is still not robust. Geothermal heat pump (GHP) systems seem to be bucking this trend, though, as most manufacturers state that sales of commercial equipment are increasing.
The Retrovent™ Replacement Program simplifies replacement of aging 20-ton and larger air handlers with energy-efficient, direct-match units, avoiding extensive renovation costs. According to the company, the program makes it easy to upgrade IAQ while reducing operating costs and increasing occupant comfort.
What could help distributors raise the bar on customer service and satisfaction? Information about the inner workings of their companies as well as having a transparent, real-time view into their processes could help, but how does a distributor achieve these things?
HVAC contractors and distributors have a special business relationship. As with any relationship, external circumstances have changed some of the relationship dynamics. What is it that contractors are looking for from their distributors and how are the distributors responding?
There is so much happening in our business world today that it is often difficult for us as contractors to stay focused on the real purposes for which we are in business. What is that purpose and how can you stay informed?