The Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) applauded the decision of the Parties of the Montreal Protocol (MP) to work toward an amendment in 2016 to include HFC refrigerants in the treaty’s purview, with a goal of working toward a schedule to phasedown their use across the globe.
At the just-completed 36th Montreal Protocol Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) meeting in Dubai, the Parties achieved agreement on a mandate for the contact group. This is a significant step towards amending the Protocol, a step which has not been achieved in at least six years.
Roundy’s Inc., a leading grocer in the Midwest, announced that it is joining the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA's) GreenChill program, a partnership between the EPA and food retailers to reduce emissions and decrease their impact on the ozone layer and climate change.
Representatives from participating industry associations, refrigerant producers, and manufacturers of refrigeration equipment and components also provided progress reports detailing the steps they’ve taken over the past year to meet the goal of reducing hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) use 80 percent by 2050.
The Air Conditioning Contractors of America Educational Institute (ACCA-EI) Standards Task Team announced that the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has recognized the new ANSI/ACCA 14 QMref - 2015 (Quality Maintenance of Commercial Refrigeration Systems) standard.
Last month’s article covered a 400-series refrigerant blend’s total temperature glide, effective temperature glide, fractionation, superheat, subcooling, and average evaporator and condensing temperatures using a pressure/temperature chart. This article deals with system pressure drops and net temperature glide in a refrigeration and/or air conditioning system.
Not only do repeat failures take away from the contractor’s profit margin, they also tarnish a company’s professional image. Finding the cause and repairing it not only keeps the customer happy, it keeps the contractor profitable.
Operators of facilities that use ammonia refrigeration equipment must write and enforce standard operating procedures, buy the proper personal protective equipment (PPE), and practice what they preach with regard to safety — not only from top to bottom in their own organizations, but also with visitors, contractors, and other industry stakeholders.
Danfoss' 25th EnVisioneering Symposium, “Refrigerants2Sustainability: Risks, Options, & Opportunities in Commercial Refrigeration,” addressed how an increasing industry-wide focus on refrigerants and energy is driving changes in the design, deployment, and maintenance of refrigeration equipment and supermarkets.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a pre-publication version of a proposal to expand and amend the National Recycling and Emission Reduction Program, also known as the Section 608 program, which governs the handling, use, and sale of ozone-depleting (ODS) compounds used as refrigerants.