The compressor’s discharge line temperature is important because it is an indication of the amount of heat absorbed in the evaporator and suction line and any heat of compression generated by the compression process.
Refrigeration technicians need to use extreme care when working with torches during the brazing and soldering process. The flames of a torch can easily reach 3,000°F. At this temperature, serious damage can be the result of misuse and carelessness.
The idea, according to a number of persons within the U.S. refrigerant industry, is to level the playing field for imported refrigerants that some feel are being unfairly subsidized by the Chinese government.
When hundreds of ammonia refrigeration engineers, manufacturers, contractors, and end users gather in one place, technical talk is sure to follow. Such was the case at the most recent International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration Conference in Nashville, Tenn.
The appeal challenges a ruling that allows the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to continue to allow production and importation of HCFC-22 refrigerant.
The IOR chose the subject of refrigerant containment for the re-launch of its annual conference, enabling it to assess progress and examine technology.
The IIAR Industrial Refrigeration Conference and Heavy Equipment Show featured messages from industry experts, a former astronaut, and an official with the Department of Homeland Security.
Service technicians who work on commercial refrigeration equipment should be aware that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has issued what it calls the final rule on the “Energy Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards for Commercial Refrigeration Equipment.”
The Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy has offered its support for the negotiation of an amendment to the Montreal Protocol to include HFCs as part of it.