This group, also known as Generation Y, was born between 1980 and 2000 and has a strong reputation for being tech savvy, environmentally aware, and cost conscious.
As technology continues to advance, more and more industry mobile applications are becoming available for smartphones and tablets. These mobile apps can be valuable tools for HVACR customers, contractors, distributors, and manufacturers.
There are many apps available to make HVACR work simpler, and more efficient; including the EzyZone: System Design App, which claimed the gold in the 2013 DDA Contractor Service & Software category.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) Energy Star program announced that it will release a complete upgrade of Portfolio Manager, its benchmarking tool for commercial buildings, on July 17, 2013.
Literature on the manufacturer’s access doors, wall panels, and contract manufacturing is available. Information on the access doors includes frame construction, styles, door hardware, hinge types, specifications, and other features and options.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) has issued the first full public release of EnergyIQ, its Web-based action-oriented benchmarking tool for nonresidential buildings.
Annual shipments of remote access and control thermostats that allow consumers to adjust temperature in homes via a smartphone or tablet will quadruple by 2017, as consumers aim for increased comfort in their residences, according to a report from IMS Research, now part of IHS.
As technology continues to advance, more and more industry mobile applications are becoming available for smartphones and tablets. These mobile apps can be valuable tools for HVACR customers, contractors, distributors, and manufacturers.
Using the iBorescope’s (DCiS1) Wi-Fi hotspot capability and a free iBorescope App, HVACR contractors and technicians can wirelessly view, capture, and save high-definition inspection images and video on any iPad® or iPhone®, eliminating the need for an attached monitor.