Prashant Dave, director of production and procurement, Triatek, was chosen from a field of more than 100 applicants to receive the September 2016 Faces of Manufacturing Award.
Opportunity Village serves children and adults with intellectual disabilities in the southern Nevada community and aims to enhance their lives via vocational training, community employment, day services, advocacy and arts, and social recreation.
Based upon the partnership, all Comfort Institute members will now have the option to receive Service Roundtable memberships, compliments of Comfort Institute.
ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2016, “Energy Efficiency Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings,” contains 125 addenda published since the 2013 standard.
Feel Your Boobies, founded by cancer survivor Leigh Hurst, is a nonprofit breast cancer organization that promotes proactive breast health to young women. The foundation uses fresh and fun educational campaigns primarily targeted to woman under 40, which is the pre-mammogram age.