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Efficient buildings align economic, social, and environmental opportunities, creating so-called triple-bottom-line benefits. That was the main takeaway from a keynote address delivered by Clay Nesler, vice president, global energy and sustainability, building efficiency, Johnson Controls Inc.
Since the Rees Scholarship Foundation was founded in 2003, it has awarded more than $500,000 in scholarships to nearly 300 deserving students and instructors.
Acknowledging the success of the Montreal Protocol in phasing out hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), AHRI has long supported including HFCs in a global phasedown plan under the treaty.
This course explains the benefits of combining modern air-to-water heat pumps with state-of-the-art hydronic delivery systems that provide space heating, cooling, and domestic water heating in both residential and commercial applications.
The Jon Siemen Memorial Scholarship was developed to honor the life, memory, and work of Jon Siemen, technical relations representative, BPI, who passed away in March 2015.