On November 6-9 in Charleston, South Carolina, 63 executives and owners from 47 different companies of different regions gathered at Synergy Solution Group’s 2022 Executive Forum, an organization that puts a whole new meaning on “sharing is caring.”
The “holy grail” for contractors is to have a roughly equal amount of business throughout the year, keeping revenue streams flowing smoothly and employees uniformly busy every month. But in reality, we know better than to count on it.
The perfect way to thank employees and their families might include sending formal invitations, choosing a special venue, or making a giant saran wrap ball with prizes for everyone.
At one time or another, every technician has run into a refrigeration system that is not functioning properly. The question then becomes how to diagnose and determine if the problem is the TXV.
The DOE aims to build upon current Enhanced Geothermal Shots by accelerating research, development, and demonstrations within enhanced geothermal systems, to tap into and better understand resources while significantly reducing the cost of EGS.
For decades, family-owned HVACR companies have had succession plans established by birthright. But much has changed and many businesses don’t have succession plans.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic struck nearly three years ago, automobile manufacturers have had trouble getting many of the parts — computer chips especially — required to assemble the vans and trucks that field-service businesses use daily.
The HVAC industry is pretty excited about all the tax credits and rebates that are being offered currently, so now is the time for contractors to lobby their state’s energy office to make sure that their state is applying for IRA money.