Eric Hudson, a group manager for Fluke, has experience in IAQ and HVAC maintenance products and applications. For more information, contact him at
The problem is a common one: A smell like dirty socks emanates from HVAC ducts. When the people in one facility complained, Warren Lowe, an HVAC maintenance mechanic for a major Midwest electric utility, packed up his tools and headed for the site.
It was a brand new house in a high-end development - a place anyone would be proud to call home. But inside, it stank. So like thousands of others, the bewildered general contractor called the indoor environmental specialists at Enviro Team Group.
many school administrators about the air quality inside their buildings, and
the frank answer is liable to be “Well, we don’t know.”
They should. School
air quality and student performance go together as naturally as breathing in
and breathing out.