Two local distributors and a contractor from the Austin area recently sat down with The NEWS to talk about local issues involving the HVAC trade. A lot of what they talked about reflected issues facing the HVAC trade throughout the United States.
Are there really business owners who are afraid to look at their financial statement each month in fear of what they might learn? Yes, according to Ruth King, channel manager for and president of Business Ventures Corp. King was a featured speaker at the Aire Serv Heating & Air Conditioning meeting.
With the economy going south and home sales taking a beating, homeowners are determined to reinvest in their homes and make them healthier and more livable. That’s according to Ben Middleton of Air Advice, who spoke with franchisees at the Aire Serv Heating & Air Conditioning annual meeting.
My blood pressure went up a few notches recently when I read one of the many Google Alerts I get in my e-mail about CO deaths and injuries. This story was about four young men who were overcome by fumes from a gas-powered generator in a home they were fixing up. I was mad because of the inaccuracy in the general media coverage of the story.
When HVAC contractors get together to discuss business concerns, there is one topic that always seems to be at the top of their list - finding and retaining good employees. But that topic was given little attention when a group of Aire Serv Heating & Air Conditioning franchise owners got together in a roundtable setting with The NEWS.
There was a lot of optimism and enthusiasm in the air in snowy Lake Tahoe as Aire Serv Heating & Air Conditioning franchisees convened for the group’s annual meeting in late January.
As I pass my 10th anniversary with The NEWS, I think back on the various locales I have visited and meetings I have attended. I also think about the possible settings for future meetings and trade shows. Maybe you can help me with some suggestions.
The new products in the hydronics area added up to more than you can shake a stick at, at the 2008 International Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigerating Exposition (AHR Expo).
Among the hundreds of exhibitors at the 2008 Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigerating Exposition showing their new and improved products, several manufacturers in the oil-fired products category had some exciting news for booth attendees.
At the Suburban Michigan Spring Home Show, only four HVAC businesses opted to meet and greet consumers who, despite the depressed Michigan economy, turned out in large numbers to get tips on home improvements and set up appointments for sales calls and service.