Greg Leisgang is preparing himself for a whirlwind year. Leisgang is the new national chairman of the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA), a job that involves many visits with contractors, association executives, and others in the HVACR trade.
How much do school-age children know about indoor air quality (IAQ)? If you ask author Richard Namovich, he'd say, "Not enough." He recently completed the first volume in a six-book series he is planning to publish.
Al Levi, owner of Appleseed Business Inc., addressed the topic of employee hiring practices for attendees at the recent National Association of Oil Heating Service Managers (NAOHSM) meeting.
Are you happy with your cash flow and how the weather is treating you this summer? If not, would you like some ideas to help you attract customers and close on the leads that you have?
A recent study by the New Horizons Foundation takes a look at the future of union sheet metal construction. The News recently spoke with SMACNA immediate past president Mark Watson and SMWIA general president Mike Sullivan to get their feedback on the study and discuss the overall outlook for the union sheet metal construction industry.
The time for the initial public offering (IPO) of stock for One Hour Air Conditioning & Heating is approaching. The branded home service company hopes to become one of the largest publicly traded residential HVAC services companies in the world.
The Radiant Panel Association welcomed featured speaker Scott Friedman to its RadFest West meeting. He told the attendees that it is "OK to have some personal growth every couple of years." He added that everyone needs to develop and cultivate a sense of humor.
The Radiant Panel Association held RadFest West in Denver. At the 2005 event, Larry Drake hosted a roundtable discussion on the pluses and minuses of high mass and low mass construction.
When the New Jersey and Pennsylvania chapters of the Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Inc. (PHCC) met for their second annual "state-in-state" trade show, one of the featured seminars was a discussion on "Water Mitigation & Mold."
A vehicle more befitting of a rock star than an HVACR trainer is used by Jeff Wilmink and Justin Hoffer of Excellence-Commitment Inc. as a mobile office. Wilmink and Hoffer use it to visit partners of the Excellence-Commitment process.