ATLANTA, GA — Sixty-nine contracting companies and over 100 people are participating in “No Surprises Financial Management,” a part of the Lennox Business College Series.“This is the first time that
In January 2002, a new website was launched ( which is designed to help homeowners understand HVAC — and is also a web services tool for contractors.
A crew was in the process of installing A/C at a retail store inside an amusement and water park. This building had never had A/C. When we visited the store later in the day, I spent all of 30 seconds inside and decided to exit, not enjoying the sweltering indoor temps on this 90-degree day. All of this got me thinking about how underappreciated our trade is.
The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is making it easy for businesses with e-commerce websites to market their ethical business practices and privacy standards. Details are available at
Some people might chalk it up to “being in the wrong place at the wrong time,” or “anything that can go wrong will go wrong.” Whatever the reason, Alan Mercurio is always happy to share the story with others.
Ultraviolet C-band (UVC) lights, used in many HVAC systems for IAQ and infectious disease control, are now becoming popular for another timely application: duct and other surface cleaning.
WELLESLEY, MA — Nexus Energyguide, a provider of e-CRM solutions to energy companies, is enhancing its Web content and marketing options through a new partnership with Tom Silva and Richard
New public health concerns over poor indoor air quality (IAQ), mold, and other airborne contaminants has emphasized a greater need for indoor comfort solutions and consumer information sharing. One such solution is the use of ultraviolet (UV) light as a method of fighting microbiological contaminants in HVAC systems.