The HVACR equipment manufacturers roundtable discussion at the 2005 ACCA conference proved to be an open, frank, and often lighthearted exchange of ideas. The topic that got the most attention was the transition to manufacturing 13-SEER products and how the HVACR marketplace will be affected.
Let's take a look at one aspect of how moving to 13 SEER equipment will affect manufacturers, distributors, and contractors: the size of the condensing units.
HVACR contractors who don't stay up on changes in building and construction codes are playing with fire, according to Jay Peters, senior director of codes and education for the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO).
Jack Sinkler told attendees of his "Key Changes to Profitability and Growth in the Next Two Years" seminar that they need to be aware of four key challenges. He outlined the challenges at the ACCA 37th Annual Conference & Indoor Air Expo.
Utility companies are happy to provide incentives to consumers purchasing high-efficiency HVAC equipment - but there's a catch. "We can't assume that energy efficiency can be achieved unless equipment is installed and maintained correctly," said John Taylor of the Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE).
When The News visited Grand Forks in 1998, the community was just beginning to pull itself together after the devastating Red River flood. The big concern was rebuilding and encouraging people to come back. The population has returned, but there is an ongoing concern - how to keep young people in town and interested in a career in the mechanical trades.
Two programs in the Grand Forks area are providing technical training designed to bring young people into the mechanical trades and keep them interested in the career path they have chosen.
The Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) announced that its members can now receive mold insurance coverage as part of a new Environmental Pollution Liability Policy. The policy was introduced at the ACCA 37th Annual Conference & Indoor Air Expo.