Jay Rathbun of JBResources, LLC, offers coaching and seminars designed to empower HVAC contractors. He can be reached at 314-882-5489 or jay@jbresources.com. For more information, visit www.jbresources.com.
Like it or not, our society is one of instant gratification. Today’s consumers want things and they don’t want to wait to get them. In response to this demand, most retailers offer their customers a variety of financing options, making the purchase of their products easy and affordable.
Dispatchers are the first to impress the customer, and in the first seven seconds, the caller is making many assumptions about them and your company. Let’s look at three ways of creating a dispatching difference and becoming the company of choice in the ears of potential customers.
You work hard to make sure your customers are satisfied, right? Despite your hard work, do you sometimes feel like your customers have forgotten all about you the minute you pull out of their driveway? Would you like to create a memorable sales experience, reinforced by lifelong customer loyalty? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then this article is for you.
“If I have a booth, they will come.” Throughout my years of work in the
HVAC industry, I have come across many business owners who honestly
believe that merely setting up a booth is enough to attract customers
at a home and garden show. They couldn’t be more wrong!