Almost all of us lie, fib, or stretch the truth a bit. We do this to our superior ("Great joke, boss!") and to our significant other ("I would love to go out to your parents' place this weekend"). Sometimes, it's easy to tell people what they want to hear to inflate their opinion of you. It happens on résumés all the time.
This show is when new products are introduced, and everyone shares predictions about what 2015 will entail. Why should I be any different? Here are my predictions for 2015.
DOE intends to issue 18 rulemakings affecting industry products and equipment. Of those, only five are scheduled for implementation after the current political administration leaves office. This means 13 rulemakings are likely to go into effect over the next two years.
Why shouldn’t the tree huggers get just as big of a kick seeing their furnaces get installed as they do seeing a Prius on the lot? It is time for the industry to start making money off the bleeding heart liberals in this country.
The Workforce Development Foundation has been meeting informally for more than 10 years to discuss industry issues like government relations and association concerns.
Contractors who survived the great recession need to change their mindsets. Business leaders needed to hunker down to get through the tough times but now they must enjoy the reward — a good and growing economy.
Contractors from all around the country recently traveled to Charlotte, North Carolina, for the third annual Building Performance Forum, presented by ACCA and The NEWS.
While plenty of attention needs to be spent making sure students know what a great industry HVAC is to work in, it is also imperative the industry give the same amount of attention to training those interested in making HVAC their career.