Chad Pilbeam is a demotivational speaker, professional beer drinker and failed soccer professional who has never given 110 percent effort to do anything because he understands how math works. The founder of Beer Logic Conferences and Events and Accidental Success Media, LLC, Chad frequently delivers keynote and topical presentations for companies who are looking for an alternative to a typical motivational talk. He resides just outside of Houston with his wife and two children. Contact him at and follow him on Twitter at @chadpilbeam.
Clichés are nothing more than overused and abused catchphrases that demonstrate your inability to contribute an original thought to the discussion, and few things drive me to drink like someone who speaks in clichés. To avoid having “air in the conversation,” you inexplicably present commonly used jargon without thought or remorse while ignoring the fact that your audience is looking at you the way a dog looks at a ceiling fan (visualize a blank stare up with drool coming from the corner of your mouth).