Justin Jacobs is a marketing coach with Hudson,Ink, a national marketing firm for contractors. Readers can get a complimentary 30-minute strategy call by emailing a polite request to freenewsstuff@hudsonink.com or by calling 800-489-9099. Be sure to follow Hudson,Ink on Facebook and LinkedIn for more marketing tips and tricks.
If the only time customers are hearing from you is when you’re asking them to buy, then it won’t be long before the relationship (if I can even use the word here) will be seen as one-sided and predatory.
There are plenty of good, ethical marketing options still out there, but how does a contractor know which to trust and which will simply pick their pockets?
Reality strikes us pretty hard when we realize that most incoming leads a business receives are wasted. Are we asking for more customers while ignoring the one standing at the door, wanting to buy?
Far too many business owners go into a shell of self-preservation once they reach a certain level, and it’s actually what’s getting them beaten by their competition.