Austin Keating is the special section editor of SNIPS NEWS at The ACHR NEWS. He covers sheet metal, mechanical contractors, duct cleaning, testing and balancing, steel, building information modeling (BIM) and architecture, engineering and construction (AEC). Prior to joining BNP Media, he served as field editor for Prairie Farmer and media specialist at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. Email him at
Daw has changed the course of the sheet metal industry several times over his 50-plus year career, and he says he’s not done yet. That’s why he’s SNIPS 2021 Sheet Metal Industry Icon.
Acosta Sheet Metal VP of Operations and Marketing Michelle Acosta shares how the San Jose sheet metal manufacturer deals with the skilled trades gap and employee retention.
To showcase and celebrate the best applications of copper in North America, the Copper Development Association (CDA) awarded 12 innovative copper building projects in the United States and Canada.