Sean Graham is a senior automation engineer with DLB Associates, an ASHRAE member and corresponding member of TC1.4 – Control Theory and Application. He is also a member of the International Society of Automation (ISA) and IEEE Instrument and Measurement Society (IMS). He has been designing and commissioning building automation systems for more than 12 years and is a registered professional engineer in Oregon. Sean has automation experience in both a contractor and consulting role in a variety of markets including education, healthcare, municipal, datacom, and mission critical. Most recently, he has led automation design teams on several data centers in the U.S. and Europe.
Since data centers are atypical in several aspects, unique BMS approaches are required to optimize their control, monitoring, and operation. Learn why it is important to know the detailed pros and cons between commercial and industrial automation system hardware, software, and instrumentation as you consider the facility’s automation design and associated costs.