You are a residential HVAC contractor, and your top salesperson is sitting at a homeowner’s kitchen table. What are the odds that they are going to close the deal right then and there? It is your top salesperson, so they have taken the time to gather as much information as they possibly can and have been using it to their advantage. They notice the size of the house and when it was built. Undoubtedly, they have registered the age demographic of the homeowner and how old and inefficient their HVAC system is at this point. They probably checked for pets or kids with allergies for when it is time for the IAQ discussion.

But how great would it be if they could climb into the head of the homeowner and get a good reading of their expectations are on numerous topics?

I am happy to report that subscribers to The ACHR NEWS can now do just that.

How? This publication and Clear Seas Research partnered to survey more than 400 homeowners from across the country about factors that influence residential HVAC purchasing decisions. Our goal was for contractors to gain valuable insights from this information that will help them close a lot of deals at the kitchen table.

Here are some of the topics that we covered with the homeowners:

  1. What triggers their decision to replace an HVAC system.
  2. How a homeowner finds an HVAC contractor.
  3. How important online reviews are to homeowners.
  4. How homeowners feel about prices on contractor’s websites.
  5. Homeowner thoughts on a visit fee and how much they are willing to pay.
  6. The average number of quotes a homeowner feels is necessary.
  7. The expected lead time for a homeowner.
  8. Their preferred payment solution in terms of financing.
  9. Importance of a contractor being certified.
  10. Homeowner interest in buying online.
  11. Homeowner opinions on service agreements.
  12. The homeowner’s familiarity of certain technologies, including zoning, smart thermostats, and heat pumps.
  13. How long homeowners think HVAC systems should last.

This would be a major expense for any individual contractor to commission such a study — which is exactly why we took it on at The ACHR NEWS. We see ourselves as an advocate for the HVAC contractor. We want to provide you valuable information to help you make more money in your business. In essence, what we have here is a cheat code for the HVAC contractor.

Not to sound too much like an infomercial … but wait, there’s more! We have also set up a dashboard with all this information so contractors can easily gather and digest the information. For instance, a contractor can search for how millennial homeowners in the Northeast feel about the importance of online reviews. Or what an average baby boomer out West thinks about heat pumps.

We hope this allows contractors to accomplish these goals:

  1. Pinpoint key purchase drivers and align offerings with preferences.
  2. Optimize pricing by understanding pricing expectations, and setting competitive models.
  3. Streamline purchases by uncovering homeowner insights for smoother buying journeys.
  4. Align practices by comparing contractor views with homeowner expectations.

This is all a part of our new Contractor Pro Series, available only to ACHR NEWS subscribers. There is no additional charge for all this great information. If you are a subscriber of the publication, you get all these data.

There is also an AI component of the dashboard that will hopefully be beneficial to our readers. Please check out the dashboard here: