Though it is time-intensive, regular evaluations drive growth by improving clarity, job satisfaction, and performance, while fostering continuous dialogue that aligns individual goals with organizational success.
Hiring with hidden costs? Beyond just salary and benefits, hidden expenses like recruiting, training, and lost productivity can significantly impact an HVAC contractor’s bottom line—making retention more valuable than they may realize.
When it comes to measuring performance, there is more than one way to skin a cat, but a solid set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) can help sort through all the noise.
To ensure employee happiness and a long tenure at their new company, it may be worthwhile to provide new technicians with a basic financial plan for their personal wealth.
The DOL released its final overtime rule which expands overtime protections increases the minimum salary thresholds required to exempt a salaried bona fide executive, administrative, or professional employee (EAP) from federal overtime pay requirements.