To remove VOC emissions from buildings, researcher advocates for a greater focus on using carbon filters and other air cleaning technologies as needed.
The high ventilation rates common in farrowing and farrow-to-finish operations are a non-starter with a conditioned, enclosed space designed for human comfort.
The Mega-Stack option for this product offers extended discharge from 10 to 15 feet in overall stack discharge height. This feature makes it ideal for low-flow applications requiring higher plume rise.
Designed for conference rooms, hotels, public restrooms, or any commercial spaces that require continuous ventilation, these ceiling- or in-line-mount exhaust fans feature a low-profile grille and an integral backdraft damper.
Greenheck’s line of SP bathroom exhaust fans has expanded with the addition of the Model SP-A-VG. The Vari-Green motor automatically adjusts fan speed to maintain constant, quiet airflow.