This issue of The ACHR NEWS highlights just what attendees of the upcoming AHR Expo can expect at this year's show, celebrates the most innovative product award winners per the AHR Expo Innovation Awards, discusses the EPA's decision to extend its sell-through period, how to win over more HVAC customers, how to plan for growth in 2024, and more.
Check back throughout the week for additional content.
More than 1,800 exhibits are planned for the 2024 AHR Expo in Chicago, and tens of thousands of attendees are expected. The Expo was last in Chicago in 2018.
Hiring platforms provide predictive analysis using updated data from those already working in the trades to show contractors which job candidates will be successful and stay with a company and which ones won’t, pre-hire.
Most homeowners will get three bids for HVAC work, a new survey found. Marketing specialists say contractors should get in front of those potential customers before they pick up the phone, and then aim to stay there.
The HVACR industry was initially surprised by a date-of-install requirement, mandating installation of certain equipment by January 1, 2025, but EPA extended sell-through period to January 1, 2026.
For distributors, the Expo is a place to meet peers in different facets of the industry, as well as contractor customers, and have a peek at new products and technology.
Ascend was the organization’s best-attended annual conference to date and a testament to the HVACR industry’s enthusiasm for networking and educational content, a press release from HARDI said.
Distribution Trends sat down with Loran Liu, after the recent HARDI conference in Phoenix, to talk shop, including about what’s ahead for HARDI and why he moved from tech to HVAC distribution.
Milford Companies has been operating since 1972, supplying materials and rental equipment required for infrastructure needs, with five locations across Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico.
With Blitzz, an APR technical service advisor can instantly see live video from the contractor’s smartphone camera, allowing him or her to visually assess the problem and collaborate with the contractor.
HVAC contractors who are prepared to embrace these advances will realize more opportunities to meet their customers' needs and ultimately become more successful in an increasingly competitive field.
Ron Smith touched thousands of people in the HVAC industry, ignited successful business strategies for struggling contractors, launched and sold innovative enterprises, and transformed the lives of many contractors.
For your information news briefs from a wide variety of categories within the HVAC industry. Price increases, mergers and acquisitions, award winners, and more are highlighted here each week.