The 29-gallon Rheem XR90 Extreme Recovery Gas Water Heater is a compact water heater that delivers hot water quickly and efficiently. It has a first hour rating of 90 gallons—meaning homeowners get three times the amount of hot water in an hour than what the tank actually holds. It’s Energy Star®-qualified and according to the company, it costs only $261 for the Rheem XR90 based on U.S. Department of Energy annual operating costs. The Rheem XR90 earned a 2012 AHR Innovation Award in the Plumbing Category.
Nordyne Anteater MC Air Handler with Micro-Channel
The B6EMMX air handler by Nordyne eliminates coil leaks caused by formicary and galvanic corrosion due to its all-aluminum Anteater MC™ Micro-Channel coil. This coil is light weight, requires fewer refrigerants and performs just as well as traditional copper tube-in-fin coils, according to the company. Contractors will appreciate the air handler’s ease of installation and flexibility as well as reduced problems in the future. It has a high-efficiency, multi-speed ECM motor and factory-installed TXV.
The TETCO ES4 Series is a vertical, multi-positional geothermal heat pump. The unit features an all-aluminum micro-channel air coil, a top-mounted control box for eye-level wiring and diagnostics, and a service-freindly cabinet with all components in easy to access locations. The ES4 Series can be field converted to right or left hand return air, and upflow or downflow supply air with minimal effort and tools.