PORTLAND, Ore. — Johnstone Supply Inc. announced the achievement of a significant milestone having reached $2 billion in annual sales. The company, founded in 1953, has a long history of growth and leadership in the HVACR industry. In 1981 the company was converted into a member-owned cooperative with 32 locations and annual sales of $28 million. Today, the 102 members of the cooperative operate 410 locations, supported by six regional distribution centers, with annual sales of $2 billion.

"Two billion is a goal we have been driving hard to reach," said DeWight Wallace, CEO for Johnstone Supply Inc. "We are very proud of this achievement, but we know there is so much more we can do. The great thing about reaching $2 billion is you get to set your sights on $3 billion. At Johnstone, we are all about making it easy for the HVACR contractor to do business. As long as we continue to focus on our customer, I am confident we will continue to grow.”

Johnstone Supply members serve both urban and rural contractors, with locations in 47 states across the U.S., Guam, and now Canada. In addition to HVACR equipment, the company supplies repair and replacement parts for residential, commercial, refrigeration, and facilities maintenance contractors and carries OEM parts for nearly every major equipment brand. A well managed company website and mobile app form the foundation of a strong eCommerce capability. Additional technology-based efficiency programs give contractors time- and money-saving conveniences for ordering in the field and automating routine tasks.

For more information, visit www.johnstonesupply.com.

Publication date: 6/15/2017