COLUMBUS, Ohio — Electric & Gas Industries Association (EGIA) and Heating, Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) announced a partnership with the express goals of strengthening the relationship between the associations and promoting profitable, high-quality, two-step growth in the North American HVACR industry.

For decades, the two associations have served the HVACR industry in different capacities, HARDI being focused on serving wholesale distribution companies, and EGIA primarily serving a contractor constituency.

“The decision to enter into a formal partnership will help unify efforts previously being made independently by each association into targeted and cohesive strategies designed to deliver enhanced energy efficiency services and training to contractors, distributors, and manufacturers,” said Talbot Gee, CEO, HARDI.

The goals of the partnership, designed to have the greatest positive impact on contractors, distributors, and the general public, are as follows:

  • Advocacy for mutually-beneficial incentive programs for the products the memberships sell and install;
  • Successful execution of mutually beneficial incentive programs for the products the memberships sell and install;
  • Growth in contractor utilization and effectiveness of consumer financing programs;
  • Increasing the number of high-performing contractor businesses and the growth of those high performing contracting businesses; and
  • Ensuring contractors are prepared to take advantage of billions in grants, incentives and rebate funds available in the marketplace beginning in late 2023.


“As HVACR incentives and regulation policy become increasingly complex to navigate, a collaboration of our respective government affairs teams will positively influence the use and distribution of Inflation Reduction Act [IRA] incentive funding; allow us to maximize advocacy through the regulatory process; and optimize our participation in advisory meetings regarding IRA program design and implementation with state energy offices,” said Bruce Matulich, CEO, EGIA.

As the partnership evolves, the associations will explore ways to mutually enhance participation for their respective membership bases’ involvement in talent and training programs. Furthermore, efforts will be made to encourage a blending of membership attendance at the respective associations’ events to drive awareness, education, and success for the goals outlined in the memorandum of understanding. For more information, visit or