"Lennox began in the late 19th century as a mid-American furnace manufacturer," said Bob Schjerven, chief executive officer. "We have expanded our business over the past century to become a leader in heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and commercial refrigeration markets around the world.
"By establishing a new and distinctive logo for LII, we can more accurately convey our identity as a global leader in climate control -- an innovative, growing company that conducts business based on a century-old foundation of integrity and trust."
The logo design will be phased in over the next year, with an emphasis on creating an identity for LII distinctive from its subsidiaries. There are no other changes planned in association with the launch of the new logo.
"LII will continue to sell its products under the same trusted brand names as before," Schjerven said. "The new logo concerns only our overall corporate identity, not our product branding strategies."