UPAC LTô interfaces with Hays Cleveland Computer Work Stations (SCADA) burner management systems, or BAS. It accepts modbus input from a burner management system and displays its current status. Communications to BAS include RS 485 Modbus Slave, RTU, Standard OPC 10bT LAN, BACnet Gateway Option, and LonWorks Gateway Option. Off-site communications include Ethernet Gateway WebServer and Cell Data Industrial Modem Options. UPAC LTô is designed to maximize return on investment while incorporating unique HC fuel/air safety strategies, including fuel/air ratio cross-limiting and deviation-limiting with a dedicated system fault. Alarm outputs are available for annunciators or panel lights for actuator (servomotor) fail, high/low steam pressure, high/low flue gas temperature, and a low O2alarm. Two packaging options are available: surface mount cabinet and open mount.
Hays Cleveland, www.hayscleveland.com