Pump Systems Matter and the Hydraulic Institute will hold a three-part webinar starting June 3 called “Pump Systems Optimization.” During this series, participants will have the opportunity to examine and identify opportunities for energy savings, learn how to increase profitability, and learn how to increase reliability in their pumping systems. Participants will also earn five professional development hour credits from HI upon completion of the series.
The series will consist of three modules each with Internet-based pre-work training, and a live one-hour webinar.
Module one, “System Optimization,” will begin at 11:00 a.m. EST. It will discuss identifying cost savings and energy efficiency opportunities, system optimization opportunities, and understanding energy use of systems in the market.
Module two, “Screening & Analysis,” will take place June 10, 11:00 a.m. EST. This module will cover objectives of screening a system, screening data used in identifying priorities, objectives of analyzing a pump system, and more.
Module three, “Life Cycle Cost Analysis & Action Planning,” will begin June 17, 11:00 a.m. EST. This webinar will include several topics including how to prove the benefits of a pump system optimization, the benefits of using an action plan, how to identify the steps of the action plan.
Registration is available now through May 30. To secure a spot and register for the three-part webinar series, visit www.PumpSystemsMatter.org/Webinars.