2014 AHR Expo off to good start, says organizers

More than 90 percent of exhibit space has already been reserved for the 2014 AHR Expo, according to show organizers. The 2014 expo will set up shop Jan. 21-23 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention in New York City.
“Based on these encouraging numbers, we are expecting a sold out show,” said Clay Stevens, president of the International Exposition Co., the organization responsible for the yearly expo. “And due to the steadily improving economy and sheer size of the HVACR market in the Northeast, we may set new attendance records.”
Stevens pointed out that in addition to several positive economic indicators, the last time the HVACR show was in New York in 2008 it established a then all-time attendance record of more than 39,000 visitors with over 6,400 buyers coming from 138 countries. Including exhibitor personnel, the total number of attendees reached over 57,600. Although the 2012 AHR Expo in Chicago barely eclipsed New York’s record number of visitors, show management is optimistic that the 2014 New York Show could regain the all-time attendance record.
For more information on the 2014 AHR Expo, visit www.ahrexpo.com.