The National Environmental Balancing Bureau will offer a Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing (TAB) Certified Professional Review seminar March 3-5 in Charleston, SC.
The organization said the review seminar is for any NEBB TAB Certified Professionals enrolled in the NEBB Home Study Course and taking the TAB exams on March 21, 2014. It is also offered to candidate Firms that need a TAB CP in order to be a NEBB TAB Certified Firm or for NEBB Certified Firms that need a stronger representation of Certified Professionals on staff.
Others with a strong background in HVAC and TAB work who consider that an extensive review in a classroom setting will enhance their technical education are also welcome.
The course will be based on the materials covered in the NEBB Home Study Course. The review will cover general information, engineering principles, charts, diagrams, problem solving, and techniques involved with TAB work.
For an event brochure and registration form, go here.