AHR Expo touts record breaking 2014 show

Despite a storm that dropped 10 in of snow on New York City, organizers of the AHR Expo say its 2014 show at the Javits Convention Center broke records. The show was held Jan. 21-23.
According to the International Exposition Company, which organizes the yearly event, a total of over 61,000 attendees (42,991 visitors and 18,219 exhibitor personnel) registered for the 2014 AHR Expo. HVACR professionals from all 50 states and over 130 countries braved the weather to see the latest products and technologies on display from over 1,900 exhibiting companies from around the world. Pending verification, these figures make the 2014 AHR Expo the event with the highest registered attendance in the history of the exposition.
“We were obviously very concerned when the weather forecast predicted there would be a snow storm on opening day and arctic cold the last two days of the show,” said Clay Stevens, president of the International Exposition Company. “However, we were encouraged when we saw thousands of people pouring into the show as if the weather wasn’t even a factor.”
It was announced before the show that the 2014 event had already broken the Northeast record for exhibit space reserved at 385,000 sq ft. That total exceeded the old record by nearly 6%.