NEBB will offer a free webinar titled “Sound and Vibration: Maintaining Tenants Spaces and Building Mechanical Systems.” The webinar will be broadcast Oct. 14, 3-4 p.m. EST.
According to the National Environmental Balancing Bureau, excessive noise and vibration from building mechanical equipment can negatively impact occupant comfort, similar to the effects caused by other forms of pollution. These sources of occupant discomfort diminish the value of commercial property and negatively impact the bottom line for building owners and managers.
Periodic vibration analysis of mechanical equipment can help building owners and managers identify problems, avoid downtime, and head off expensive equipment repair costs. Also, sound analysis can help identify sources of noise pollution, leading to a reduction in the sources of occupant discomfort.
This webcast is geared toward anyone involved in building commissioning, retro-commissioning, managing, or those planning to develop an industrial operation or commercial facility, office building, or special purpose facility.
For more information or to register, go here.