ASHRAE installed new officers and directors for 2015-16 at its annual meeting in Atlanta, June 27-July 1.
The new president is T. David Underwood, P.Eng., Fellow ASHRAE, Life Member, CPMP, from Oakville, Ontario. His theme, “Making Connections,” focuses on the first goal in ASHRAE’s strategic plan, which calls for connecting as a way to foster vibrant, informed, and engaged ASHRAE and industry communities. The theme focuses not only on the connections of ASHRAE membership but extends to connecting with industry, communities, governments, and globally.
Other officers installed for a one-year term are:
• President-elect: Timothy G. Wentz, P.E., Fellow ASHRAE, HBDP, associate professor, University of Nebraska – Lincoln
• Treasurer: Bjarne W. Olesen, Ph.D., Fellow ASHRAE, Life Member, professor, Technical University of Denmark, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
• Vice president: Walid Chakroun, Ph.D., Fellow ASHRAE, professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, College of Engineering and Petroleum, and assistant vice president, Academic Affairs, Kuwait University, Safat.
• Vice president: Patricia Graef, P.E., Fellow ASHRAE, director, evaporative media core technology, research and development, Munters Corp., Fort Myers, FL.
• Vice president: Charles “Chuck” E. Gulledge III, P.E., HBDP, senior mechanical engineer, AC Corp., Greensboro, NC.
• Vice president: James K. Vallort, Fellow ASHRAE, senior vice president, Environmental Systems Design, Chicago.
ASHRAE installed the following directors to serve a three-year term from 2015-2018:
• Region I Director and Region Chair: William “Bill” F. Walter, Fellow, UTC Building and Industrial System, Syracuse, NY.
• Region II Director and Region Chair: Douglas C. Cochrane, P.Eng., engineering sales manager, Carrier Enterprise Canada, Mississauga, Ontario.
• Region III Director and Region Chair: Roger K. Jones, P.E., account executive, Honeywell International, Herndon, VA.
• Region XI Director and Region Chair: Keith A. Yelton, Life Member, owner, ACI Mechanical and HVAC Sales, Portland, OR.
• Director-at-Large: Erich Binder, president, Erich Binder Consulting, Calgary, Alberta
• Director-at-Large: William “Bill” F. McQuade, P.E., Fellow ASHRAE, director of technology, energy efficiency and the environment, chiller solutions, building efficiency, Johnson Controls, York, PA.
• Director-at-Large: Dennis Knight, P.E, Fellow ASHRAE, BEMP, owner, Whole Building Systems, Mt. Pleasant, SC.