ASHRAE announces call for programs for 2016 Annual Conference

A call for programs has been announced for ASHRAE’s 2016 Annual Conference, June 25-29, in St. Louis.
“A new ‘Smart Building Systems’ track for this conference addresses the revolution in information technology applied to the built environment,” said Tom Kuehn, conference program chair. “Weather and time of day utility rate forecasting, distributed sensors, and remote monitoring and control are all included in the track. Topics key to personal success are included in the ‘Professional Skills Beyond Engineering’ track. Programs describing advances in refrigeration technology are given special emphasis and other tracks cover more conventional topics.”
Programs are sought for the following tracks: Advances in Refrigeration Systems and Alternative Refrigerants; Fundamentals and Applications; HVAC Systems and Equipment; Smart Building Systems/Remote Monitoring and Diagnostics; Indoor Environment: Health, Comfort, Productivity; Professional Skills Beyond Engineering; and Renewable Energy Systems and Net Zero Buildings. Programs are also sought for the fourth annual Research Summit, which reports results on any aspect of ASHRAE-related research. In addition, programs focusing on practical applications and utilizing case studies are requested.
Programs are requested for the following program types: Seminars, which include one to four presentations on a similar topic; Workshops, which allow equal time for one to two presentations and discussion; and Forums, which are discussion-based sessions with no presentations.
A call for programs (non-paper based presentations) is now open through Feb. 8, 2016. To submit a proposal or for more information, go to
The ASHRAE 2016 Annual Conference will take place at the America’s Center Convention Complex and Renaissance St. Louis Grand Hotel. The event is expected to attract some 2,500 conference attendees and meeting participants.