Organizers of CxEnergy 2016 said its event in Dallas broke attendance records. Nearly 500 building commissioning, energy management, and testing and balancing professionals attended the April 11-13 event. The 2016 conference also had the most exhibitors in CxEnergy history.
Participants had the opportunity to view the latest technologies and attend several educational sessions and workshops. The 32-session technical program covered topics such as datacenters, controls and automation, building envelope, hot water systems, energy storage, LED lighting, data analytics, the Internet of Things, testing and balancing, finance, and updates on ANSI and ASHRAE standards. Commissioning case studies in education, health care, and commercial settings were also discussed.
Speakers represented companies and organizations including Siemens, Energy Star, Google, Jacobs Engineering, and several HVAC manufacturers. Over 3,000 AIA continuing education credits were awarded to attendees.
Forty-seven sponsors and exhibitors showcased their products and services in the CxEnergy expo hall. Product areas included software, controls, instruments, metering devices, and more.
“There was a lot of energy and enthusiasm in the crowd,” said Michael Chhutani with Dwyer Instruments. “We look forward to next year’s conference.”
CxEnergy also featured a Commissioning Authority (CxA) certification workshop by the AABC Commissioning Group and Energy Management Professional (EMP) Seminar by the Energy Management Association. Over 100 professionals took the new CxA exam (that is being aligned with the Department of Energy’s Better Building Workforce initiative) and EMP exam.
Planning for CxEnergy 2017 is underway and presenting organizations will announce the dates and location of the event next month.
CxEnergy is presented by the AABC Commissioning Group (ACG), Associated Air Balance Council (AABC), and Energy Management Association (EMA).