Registration for the 2017 ASHRAE Webcast, “Take Control: Using Analytics to Drive Building Performance,” is now open at There is no fee for registration.

The webcast will broadcast live on April 20, 2017, from 1-4 p.m. EDT. This webcast is offered by ASHRAE’s Chapter Technology Transfer Committee (CTTC).

“The presenters will discuss key elements of controls and analytics for better building operations,” said Nathan Hart, chair of the CTTC Webcast Ad Hoc Committee. “The focus will be on recognizing the value of analytics in building operations to achieve reduced cost and increased performance.”

Opening remarks will be provided by ASHRAE President Tim Wentz, Fellow ASHRAE, HBDP.

Webcast presenters are:

• Mark Gallagher, manager building services, Armstrong Fluid Technology, Toronto, Ontario.

• Srinivas Katipamula, Ph.D., Fellow ASHRAE, FASME, staff scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA.

• Jim Meacham, P.E., principal, Altura Associates, Corona Del Mar, CA.

The Webcast has been approved for three HSW Learning Units (LU/HSW) by the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and three Continuing Education Hours (CEs) by GBCI.

Visit for more information.