Jim Newman, owner and managing partner of Newman Consulting Group LLC (NCG) in Farmington Hills, Michigan, was honored with the Engineering Society of Detroit’s (ESD) TechCentury Image Award. The award was presented at ESD’s annual dinner on June 20.
According to ESD, the award is presented annually “to individuals who have helped promote the engineering and technical professions through involvement in the community, mentoring, public service, public speaking, and presentations to various groups.”
Trained as a mechanical engineer, Newman is known as the “Dean of Green” for educating people all over the world since 2010 as an author, featured presenter, ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer, keynote speaker, and certified trainer for ASHRAE Energy Standard 90.1. He has taught HVAC engineering and building management and maintenance professionals, student groups, and the media about sustainability and green technology. He was recognized by ESD for his engagement with the society, service on committees and in leadership roles over the years, and his use of technology to promote the profession.
For decades, Newman has been promoting energy conservation measures and increased use of renewables. In 2002 he founded Newman Consulting Group to help commercial, industrial, and multi-family property owners implement energy efficiency projects to eliminate waste and save money. NCG specializes in energy audits and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification consulting, building commissioning and re- and retro-commissioning, and property assessed clean energy (PACE) and power purchase agreement (PPA) financing.