Miura has welcomed Trap Energy Solutions in St. Louis Park, Minnesota, as its newest sales rep. The company CEO, Garrett Trapnell, did his research before choosing Miura as his steam boiler manufacturer.
“Miura looked like the answer to me, but before I could feel 100% comfortable, I wanted to hear what existing Miura customers thought of the boilers," said Trapnell. “ So I contacted as many customers as I could with a simple three-question survey to understand their perspective. The responses were overwhelmingly positive and some people went into great detail about their boilers and how they benefited their businesses. It was after this survey that I fully committed to becoming a sales rep for Miura boilers.”
After serving in the U.S. Navy on a nuclear-powered submarine, where he was introduced to pressurized equipment and steam operations, Trapnell went on to operate steam plants. Eventually, he became a boiler inspector for nearly 20 years in the insurance industry where he visited hundreds of boiler rooms and inspected all types and sizes of boilers.
“Because of my long experience in the insurance industry, I knew firsthand that people are in need of high-quality equipment and services that provide value and have favorable returns," said Trapnell. “Much of the equipment out there is beyond its useful and expected life. In addition, many of the steam systems are not optimized for energy savings, but at the same time, corporations are calling for serious energy savings and carbon reduction plans.”
After deciding that he could make his greatest contribution by going into the steam boiler business, Trapnell opened Trap Energy Solutions (www.trapenergysolutions.com).
The company’s mission is “to deliver high-quality and sustainable commercial-industrial solutions that protect customers’ assets and help to achieve their steam energy goals, while building solid, long-lasting relationships with our customers.”
“I’ve always had a strong desire to start a business and naturally I was looking for an opportunity in the steam world,” said Trapnell. “I have a lot of steam experience, but I also thrive on my ability to serve customers. I thoroughly enjoy problem-solving and helping others to succeed, so I looked into equipment sales. My goal was to find products that offered innovative advantages and substantial value, including saving energy.”
The more research he did, the better Miura boilers looked to Trapnell and his team.
“Miura’s modular steam system offers tremendous opportunity for existing boiler plants and new facilities to help them meet their energy and sustainability goals,” adds Trapnell. “Customers want high-efficiency, clean, and simple systems powering their businesses through the 21st century and the Miura advantage can fulfill that.”