Cal-Brite Coil Cleaner – Nu-Calgon

ST. LOUIS — Nu-Calgon has launched a new formulation of Cal-Brite® coil cleaner that is tougher on scale and safer to use. The new Cal-Brite Plus is a low-pH or acid-based product that foams and brightens, effectively cleaning evaporator coils, air-cooled condensers, and other finned cooling and heating coils.
Cal-Brite Plus’ technology provides excellent cleaning performance and a safer alternative to hydrofluoric acid-based products. The synergy of its acidic-based formulation achieves foaming, brightening, and cleaning but without the dangers that are typical to high concentrations of hydrofluoric acid. Because of its low odor and increased safety, Cal-Brite Plus can be used on indoor and outdoor coils.
Not only is the new Cal-Brite Plus reformulated to be tougher on scale, it also has improved cleaning capability on oily and greasy soils as well as a higher hard water tolerance. Cal-Brite Plus is biodegradable and available in one-gallon bottles and 55-gallon drums. For more information, visit