The increased focus on efficiency within the IT world brings with it higher demands for thoughtful, well-planned spaces to house IT equipment with consideration given to future needs. As a result, focusing on current typologies in data center planning can sometimes fall short of future requirements. Efficiency can be realized in a number of ways that affect planning and growth considerations. Most organizations try to predict their future growth needs but are not always able to see changes in the industry which may affect them down the road. Some of the most important factors to be considered in data center planning are:
This article examines these facets of data center space planning looking at various options available today in these areas and also positive and negative attributes to consider when looking at various options. It also examines impacts of these decisions on performance within a hypothetical space. Increased pressure to focus on efficiency can prompt changes in an effort to improve a space. Sometimes such decisions have adverse effects on operational and capital costs. But decisions can be made which not only improve efficiency but ultimately also provide a lower investment in capital improvements as well as operational costs.