HVACR contractors are constantly juggling the demands of the job. Taking care of scheduling, managing customer service, and still running a business is no easy feat. It’s easy to understand why there never seems to be enough time to devote to recruiting as well. But the crucial task of finding candidates needs to be a priority, or your bottom line will begin to suffer.
With the holiday season just around the corner, HVAC contractors can expect to be asked to support any number of charitable efforts. Maybe it’s the Girl Scouts, the Goodfellows, your church, your kid’s hockey league, the high school orchestra. Some contractors have reported getting up to a dozen requests a week.
The football coach stepped up recruiting. He worked incredibly hard and had “out-of-the-box” thinking to bring talented players to Ann Arbor. The results have followed.
The following remarks were made regarding the article “Training in as Little as Nine Days Has Technicians Ready to Enter the HVAC Workforce,” written by Nick KThe following remarks were made regarding the guest column “Ignorance of Today’s Youth, Not Stupidity, Is Crippling the Trades,” written by Jack Tester, president and CEO of Nexstar Network, published July 23.
HARDI members have supported this specific bill for the past two years and at the last two HARDI Congressional Fly-ins with the understanding that it would generate an influx of professional HVACR contractors, who would enter the workforce with the tools and knowledge they need to compete for high-skilled, in-demand jobs in the HVACR industry.
There are a lot of women who live alone. There’s also a lot of women who are home alone while their husbands are working. And, believe it or not, they sometimes need their HVAC systems repaired or replaced. It’s your job as a contractor to make sure that everyone who hires you feels comfortable while you are in their homes and that they are 100 percent satisfied with your work.