Following in a 32-year tradition of dedication and service, 27 technicians from 17 companies made 60 service calls to elderly customers in need of assistance. A clean and check was completed on each furnace, and any equipment found to have mechanical problems was repaired at no cost to the recipient.
After 17 years with the association, Paul Stalknecht, president and CEO, is leaving ACCA. To fill his position, the board of directors named Barton James interim president and CEO.
Jim Collins wrote an entire book on this concept. The idea is that when we have good schools, good businesses, etc., people tend to accept that level of quality. “Few people can attain great lives, in large part because it is so easy to settle for a good life,” he wrote.
Paul Stalknecht, president and CEO, is leaving ACCA to pursue other opportunities. To fill his position, the ACCA board of directors has named Barton James interim president and CEO.
The bill, which lawmakers and stakeholders often refer to as Perkins V, was an update of the Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006. Perkins V represents the authorization (but not actual appropriation) of funds to support a range of career education opportunities, including HVAC-related training, for six years, beginning in July 2019.
ACCA is dedicated to creating a high-quality technician training program on flammable refrigerants. As the HVACR industry works to phase down refrigerants with high-global warming potential (GWP), ACCA members have been concerned that contractors and technicians need more time to be prepared to safely handle the next generation of refrigerants, which includes flammable products.
This bulletin focuses on ASHRAE-designated A3 refrigerants that are commonly found in refrigeration systems, walk-in coolers, food merchandisers and service cases, beverage dispensers, vending machines, ice makers, and water fountains.
The updated Section 608 exam prepares test takers for new refrigerants and technology that are relevant to today’s technicians. ACCA’s new training materials were developed in coordination with the EPA as the agency released the updated Section 608 test questions.