WASHINGTON — Heating, Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) took the concerns of the HVACR industry straight to Washington via its annual HARDI Congressional Fly-In May 23-24.
Everyone sells no matter what you do. It might not be a direct sale where you receive a financial reward for “selling” something. But selling includes trying to convince to do something they might not have to consider or are in opposition to.
Heating, Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) has announced the speakers for its upcoming Marketing & Sales Focus Conference on Sept. 18-19 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This is the last and largest HARDI Focus Conference of the year.
It was 2013, and the HARDI brain trust was mulling over a perennial chess problem. What type of programs could it offer its members that would benfit their financial health and success? Taking input from members and their own discussions led to, in hindsight, an obvious conclusion: the need for leadership training.
Heating, Air-conditioning & Refrigeration Distributors International (HARDI) has announced the speakers for its upcoming Marketing & Sales Focus Conference on Sept. 18-19 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This is the last and largest HARDI Focus Conference of the year.
Executives in every industry are forced to confront the immediate future, and yet, they must ensure that the longer view — a strategic plan — is in the mix to ensure the business thrives. And the glue to all this planning is, unsurprisingly, the finances.
The recent HARDI Focus Conference, Supply Chain Excellence in Phoenix is over, and speakers peppered attendees with sage advice on how to improve their logistics and supply chain operations.